Sunday, March 25, 2007

Day 88, Sunday, March 25, 2007

I forgot what the temperature was this morning- around 50.
I was in a hurry to get on the road home.

Left around 8:30 am and drove the 500 miles home in 8 & 1/2 hours. That is quite a poke with a 30 foot motorhome, tow car, two dogs (and one with a bladder infection needing a "stop" every hour). We did good!

Great to be back! A lot to do to get up-packed and settled back into "home base". House looks great. A big thanks to brother Tim (and sister Dea) who kept an eye on things in our absence.

Thanks to all of you who stayed up with us on this trip and added your comments. Without the comments we don't know who is following us or if our blog is of any interest to you. It meant a lot to us.

We're back and no rain or snow. In fact, we have not seen rain or snow in two months. Lots of bad weather at the start of our trip, but from Tucson forward we have had great weather.

Adios Amigos!


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