Saturday, March 17, 2007

Day 79, Friday, March 16, 2007

49 this morning at Oliver Lee SP

Spent most of the morning playing with our new Verizon phones. Ellen's was malfunctioning and mine had to be replaced to continue with Verizon's "data plan" for internet access. My old phone was capable of internet access but Verizon claims it wasn't. So I was racking up $1,000 plus phone bills each month on the road. I got credit for it all, of course, but Verizon finally said I needed a new phone to continue with the data plan.

Into Alamogordo for lunch, the space museum, missed the IMAX, grocery shopped, and back to camp for a fire and dinner and crown.

Here are some pic's-

Ellen on White Sands dune

Hi there!

Dogs for a walk

Our "rig" at White Sands

Mountains of sand next to mountains of rock. Quite a view!

The desert is starting to "bloom" even without rain

Our campsite at Oliver Lee SP

Campground road (we are on the left) looking towards "Dog Canyon". We are going to hike up it tomorrow - Saturday

Another view of our site with the canyon as background

Sunset at Oliver Lee


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