Saturday, March 17, 2007

Day 80, Saturday, March 17, 2007

48 this morning in Alamogordo, NM

Happy St Paddy's Day! Wow! 80 days out. Our Alaska trip took only 77 days start to finish and we are still probably 10 days from home. Anyway, I'm just rambling on here. Doesn't seem like it's been so long.

We did a 6.5 mile hike up Dog Canyon here at the park today and what an exercise! We planned to leave around 9am to avoid the mid-day heat but left at noon anyway. It was hot and strenous and we were sure happy to get back home. We left the girls in Blueboy with the air on - lucky them. Anyway, it was a 1500 foot vertical climb up the canyon and then 1500 foot drop back down. No shade to be found on the whole trail! However, it was really a worthwhile trek. It's hard to share the beauty and the ruggedness with pictures or words. Happy to be going on a driving tour tomorrow.

Looking down the canyon to the valley below

Tiny bit of shade for a rest and water stop

Mostly sun and rock

Remains of cabin at end of our trail. We turned around here but trail continues another 5 miles. The whole trip would have been about 10 hours. There is year around water flowing here and I guess that is why someone once lived here. Only things remaining are partial stone walls and a bed frame.

Ellen by the stream, what little there is, at the ruins

Corned beef and cabbage for dinner after a hard day in the mountains. Thank you Ellen! This really is roughing it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huncle Jim!!! Ellen!!! What amazing pictures! Glad to see everyone seems happy and well. We're starting to see signs of Spring here, so it's a great time to head back. Can't wait to see you. Happy St. Patrick's day!


Sat Mar 17, 07:47:00 PM GMT-4  

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