Thursday, March 15, 2007

Day 78, Thursday, March 15, 2007

54 this morning in Alamogordo, NM

It's been a little warmer overnight lately. That's a welcome change. While it always warms up very quickly as soon as the sun rises, not being in the upper 30's or low 40's first thing when waking up is nice.

There is "stuff" we want to do around here (Space Museum w/ Imax theater, day long car trip up into the mountains, and long hike up Dog Canyon) so we are going to stay another 3 or more days here at Oliver Lee SP. So Florida "swing" will not happen. We leave here and it's homeward bound!

Yesterday we stopped by White Sands National Monument on our way into Alomogordo. Huge dunes of gypsum as pure white as snow (probably not a good word for you all back home). Mountains all around us with desert in between, but this one spot (White Sands) just seems to appear out of nowhere.

Revisit todays post tomorrow and pictures will be there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip & have a safe journey home! (My dad showed me the pix you sent him of you in the cantina in Mexico - ahh, margaritas & Mexico!) Love, Mandy

Fri Mar 16, 07:53:00 AM GMT-4  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures! The weather here should be in the 50's by the end of next week. We should be about done with the bad stuff when you get home. Have a safe trip home :)
Love ya man & woman!

Fri Mar 16, 11:23:00 AM GMT-4  

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