Thursday, January 04, 2007

Day 8, Thursday January 4, 2007

65 this morning on Lake Pontchartrain.

No rain yet, but the humidity is rising and the wind is picking up. The forecast is for up to 4 inches of rain.

We are going to drive the CR-V into New Orleans this afternoon to have a look around.

Well, we never got to NO today. Too much bad weather and too far to drive given the fact that we are going there tomorrow for the weekend anyway. Sat under the awning and read a book just enjoying the warmer temperatures. Tornado warnings out but we did not get any bad weather other than about 3 or 4 inches of rain by the time it was over. Rained so hard we could not hear the tv with the sound of rain on the roof.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi you guys! I finally got the time to look at the new blog and it looks good...Tim and I wish we were with you! You made me cry reading about dedicating the trip to Willie but we all loved him and will miss seeing his pictures posted this trip. Be careful and have fun!

Fri Jan 05, 04:49:00 PM GMT-5  

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