Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day 57, Thursday, Feburary 22, 2007

Still no morning temp reading.

Drove Ellen into Phoenix for flight to Tampa for Kathy's wedding. I'm Free at last! My long awaited vacation finally is here!

Great day doing "things" a guy likes to do with no questions asked! Dumped the holding tanks, re-positioned the motorhome to be more level, bathed the dogs, worked-out, and more. Life is good! I paid for three more days here at Lake Pleasant - through Sunday. And, I fixed the temperature gage. Currently 65 at 8:00 pm.

If pictures don't get posted tonight, I'll do it first thing tomorrow.

Hope everyone is well and the snow melts soon.

Don't forget to post a comment to us. We really look forward to them!


Jim, Ellen, Isabelle, and Gracie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Brother,
Your life sounds really boring. Sunshine, your trusty dogs, no one asking questions, doing what you want to do. I'm not sure I could handle that for too long. Maybe just for a few years! Have a great relaxing vacation.(all 8 days)

Fri Feb 23, 09:10:00 AM GMT-5  

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