Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day 51, Friday, Feburary 16, 2007

48 this morning in Parker, AZ

Air temperature got to 72, but about 90 in the sun with little to no wind. Not a complaint! Drove to Lake Havasu to do some things but mostly just “kicked back” and enjoyed the day. Walked into the mountains for a short hike with the dogs then back to the Colorado River for a swim (for them). So far (8:00pm) one of the warmest evenings we have had on this trip – still about 65.

I set up the DirecTV dish everywhere we stay so we monitor the weather in Elkhart. Almost makes us feel guilty to look – almost.

Oh, I did drive into Parker today to get online. But not able to find a high-speed connection to post pictures. Looks like Monday or Tuesday in Phoenix as expcted.


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