Friday, February 23, 2007

Day 58, Friday, Feburary 23, 2007

52 this morning at Pleasant Lake, Az

Finally got the thermometer fixed! Just needed ALL batteries replaced. It's now 10:00am, only 56 and cloudy. I can see rain falling in the distance, but it may not come in this direction (I hope). It's supposed to get down into the mid 30's tonight and sunshine returning tomorrow but staying on the cool side of the 60's. Looks like you all have some more real bad weather on the way.

Ellen called this morning to report she surrived her first night in Tampa with Kathy Jo. She said they had a great dinner with lots of fresh Tuna, good wine, and great champagne. Here is a link to the Hotel she is staying at

Thanks for the good wishes brother! What a great night last night - peaceful and quiet and I did not have to answer a single question.

And here are some pictures of the area.

Islands in Lake Pleasant
Gracie fishing for a rock
She caught one

Jim trying not to look like Ellen is taking his picture

Blueboy set up at campsite

View out our back window

Another "blue sky" view

A look across the lake with a marina and RV park in the distance

Desert sunset


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