Friday, March 02, 2007

Day 65, Friday, March 2, 2007

33 this morning in Mesa.

Hello Mrs. Greenberg!

Here they are - pictures around the campground & park at Usery Mountain. All of them!

Looking around Apache Junction

Campground from a small mountain trail - Blueboy is there somewhere
Moon rise over Pass Mountain
Another shot
In case someone does not know where Phoenix is
Another sunset shot
And all the rest of the pictures


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. It makes me feel a little better as I look out my window here at work and see the snow blowing to almost white-out conditions at times. Very windy! You don't want to come back to this yet. What you are getting board with everyday out there on the desert is 100% better than here. ENJOY!
Love You, Sister Beth

Fri Mar 02, 01:50:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sister is correct brother. This weather really stinks. There's no more ice on the river. That's a plus. But still snow on the ground. Not time to head east yet. I Love Ya Man!

Sat Mar 03, 12:55:00 PM GMT-5  

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