Monday, February 26, 2007

Day 61, Monday, Feburary 26, 2007

40 this morning at Lake Pleasant

But as usual it really warms up fast when the sun comes up. Another cloudless day. I'm beginning to understand why so many people move to Arizona.

Moving day today. Spent 7 days here and could stay more, but there is so much more to see. This park filled up over the weekend but boy they all cleared out late yesterday. This morning the park was about empty.

Today, I did the same. Drove to Usury Mountain Park - about 1 1/2 hours east into the Mesa area of Phoenix. Just beautiful! Only two sites left when I arrived at 12:30pm and thrilled to get one. I thought after the mass exit from Lake Pleasant I would arrive here and find lots of space - wrong!

There are miles of trails here to hike and must be the main attraction. Plus, its only 10 minutes from shopping malls, restaurants, and more - while still being out in the desert. Lots of Coyote activity tonight. This is great and only $18.00 per night. I think we will stay here a week or two, hike all the trails, then slowly head home. Mexico will happen next trip.

I've tried to make reservations at Mexican ocean front RV Parks but have not had success. They are all full. It's possible to just go and "boondock" but I'm not ready to do that for my first foray into Mexico. What we may do is get close to the border in Ajo, Az and stay at an RV Park. Then just make a day trip into Mexico to "check it out". We'll see.

I'll take some pictures of this area tomorrow and post. Still in Verizon "high speed broadband" territory so no problem uploading.

That's it for now.


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