Sunday, February 25, 2007

Day 60, Sunday, Feburary 25, 2007

38 this morning

I'm driving up to Prescott to see Bill Mueller today. I'll report later.

100 miles to get to Prescott, one way. Long drive but worth the time to see Bill. For those of you who don't know who Bill is, he was the chef at the Matterhorn durning our "hayday". His cooking and kitchen management made the Matterhorn what it was. He has been living in Prescott for over 20 years now. Two years ago he sold his home and properties and moved in with his daughter and son-in-law. Bill is 81 and doing great. If anyone wants to contact Bill, I have his phone number. He said he will be in Elkhart this summer for a visit.

I made it a point to take my camera to get a picture of Bill, but spaced out and did not even think of doing so while visiting.

This is the 7th night at Pleasant Lake and tomorrow I will move on. It's been very "pleasant" here (really) but time to move on.


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