Monday, March 05, 2007

Day 68, Monday, March 5, 2007

55 this morning, much warmer than we have experienced lately.

Two more nights here. We were due to leave this morning but wanted to hike more of the trails.
We hiked the most popular trail (Wind Cave) yesterday but could not go all the way to the top of the mountain to see the caves. We were concerned about the dogs. It got a little too steep for them. Anyway, we are going to go again today without the girls. And then a long 7 mile hike around Pass Mountain tomorrow.

Wednesday we are heading to Patagonia Lake State Park South of Tucson for a few days then back East into New Mexico, Texas, etc. Maybe all the way to the Panhandle of Florida to spend a little time on the beach before heading straight North to get home.

I can't get a reservation on the beach in Mexico so we will try again next year and make plans well in advance. That's why we'll "beach" in Florida instead.

Stopped at a "biker" bar in Apache Junction yesterday and took pictures of some of the locals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you fear for your lives?
You be careful out there.
Your "all too careful" sister.

Tue Mar 06, 09:45:00 AM GMT-5  

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