Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Day 77, Wednesday, March 14, 2007 (cont)

Finally in a park (Oliver Lee Memorial State Park - just south of Alamogordo, NM) with Verizon's high speed broadband available. So I'm going to spend as much time as it takes to upload pictures from the last 10 days. They will not be on the pages where they went missing from the past - too much time to put them in order. Just a bunch of pictures. Hope you enjoy them.
By the way - this little State Park in the foothills of the mountains at the entrance to Dog Canyon is looking pretty nice. We just may park here for 3-6 days and then head home instead of trying to get to Florida for awhile. Once we leave here the mountains are "history" and we really prefer them to anything else.

Usury Mountain Moon Rise

Patagonia Lake

Patagonia Lake sunset
Usury Mountain Sunset
City of Rocks State Park from a distance

Various pictures from City of Rocks

Gila cliff dwellings
JPL and dogs at rest stop at City of Rocks trail
City of Rocks trailhead

Gila cliff dwellings

Gila cliff dwellings


Our City of Rocks Campground as seen from trail peak (do you see BlueBoy?)
It is what it is!
More Gila Cliff Dwellings

South West Sunset

Ellen and Sue at Sue's front porch
Sue & Ken's house

Your's Truly at Rockhound State Park

JPL & Sue
You get the idea from City of Rocks!
Kathy, this one's for you
Campground view from Rockhound

Back to Mexico

BlueBoy at City of Rocks

Sue & Ken's RV Park
Sue & Ellen at Sue's backyard


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What WONDROUS sights to behold!
The commentary is good too.
Love you! Sister Beth

Thu Mar 15, 11:26:00 AM GMT-4  

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