Monday, February 12, 2007

Day 45, Saturday, Feburary 10, 2007

48 this morning at Alamo Lake
Overcast again and very little blue sky, but the sun still was hot through the thin clouds.

We did a hike at the Alamo Dam today. Went up to the top of the dam, down to the bottom, waded across the stream to the other side, then hiked back up the opposite side of the canyon and transversed the top of the dam and back down to our starting point. About 2 hours. The girls got to swim in the river – happy dogs!

On the way into the park the other day we noticed a sign pointing down a rough dirt road that said “Wayside”. No such town on the map so we just ignored it – thought it was just a BLM campsite. Then while talking to the camp host we inquired about it. Turns out it is an old town, campground, bar, gas station that still remains from the time 50 years ago when the Alamo Dam was being built. The newer paved roads by-pass Wayside but the town still exists. And we heard that the bar has great burgers! After our hike today we were thirsty for cold beer and the burger sounded tempting. So we drove the 4 mile rough gravel dusty road to Wayside and found a thriving little desert town of campers, ATV’rs, and smoking beer drinkers. Not a square foot of concrete or asphalt to be found – just desert rock and dust. The beer was cold and the burgers were good. Interesting place – glad we went. Took 2 hours after getting back to the park to wash the dust off and out of the CR-V.

The following should have been posted on Friday but I'm not going to try to put the last four days in perfect chronological order - too confusing to keep it all straight (it's hell to be getting old).
As we look around the camp we realize that 95% of the people here have boats and go fishing every day. We don’t fish but are thinking the only way go get fresh fish while on the road is to “go fishing”. Discussing this with the camp host yesterday he said if he was successful today while out on the lake he would share if catch with us. What a nice man! He and his wife were out for about 6 hours today and came back with 3 croppies for us. He even cleaned and filleted them before bringing them to our door. Great dinner! Overcast today with periods of sun but still 75 and warm.

Arriving in Wayside

Ellen after crossing the stream
Very Cool Cafe in Wenden, Az we stopped at for lunch (a 70 mile round-trip from the park)


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