Friday, February 02, 2007

Day 37, Friday, February 2, 2007

44 this morning in Lake Havasu again

Folks, there is just nothing to talk to you about. I won't bore you anymore with our day to day "went for a walk" "worked out" & on & on lives.

I'll continue with daily temp readings and add interesting information as it happens, pictures, etc.

Talked to brother Tim this morning and he told me how miserable the weather is back home and that the river is "jammed up" with ice. We wish you some of this Arizona sunshine!

Pictures below and more added to Wednesday's post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunday Morning, I'm at work.
Good to hear your voice last night. Thanks for the call Jim.
After looking at the latest pictures you have posted I'm ready to sell everything, buy a motor home and head West. It's beautiful! I really appreciate seeing it all. Thanks! Love, Sister Beth.

Sun Feb 04, 10:19:00 AM GMT-5  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see you're really roughing it there in Havasu!!! Tough life you guys. I'm glad the weather is so great and that you're so peaced out there's not much to talk about. How long will you be staying there and where are you headed next? Things here in the Bu are great. Big news in town is another celebretard arrest. :) What a place! Keep having fun. Love you, Sue - Yeah Colts!!!

Sun Feb 04, 11:59:00 PM GMT-5  

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