Sunday, January 14, 2007

Day 18, Sunday, January 14, 2007

66 this morning in Mercedes.

Cloudy and windy most of today with high humidity and temperature into the low 80's. It still did not rain (great) but the Weather Channel says the s--t is coming. We'll see! It actually cleared up late this afternoon with blue sky and lower humidity.

I washed both motor home and the CR-V this morning and got all the salt off from 4-5 days on the coast. The sea air puts a thick, almost greasy, coating on everything. The dogs collars rusted in just the short time we spent on the coast. And the constant winds blow find sand into everything and everywhere. We are now far enough away to be rid of those problems, but it was well worth it to be camped close to (actually right on) the Gulf, so I'm not complaining. After the vehicle washes we both went to the exercise room for an hour of a much needed workout. Showered, walked the dogs, then drove to the Mexican border.

Paid $1.25 to park the car on the US side, $0.25 to walk into Mexico, and $0.30 to walk back into the US. No border checks to go into Mexico, but had to go through customs to get back into the US. Very casual - asked to see a drivers license and that was it. The agent asked Ellen if she had anything to declare (two liters of Bailey's) and told her to go through. I was carrying two 1.75's of Crown Royal and he did not even ask me if I had anything! Texas, however, was there to collect tax on alcohol brought into the state. But for the above mentioned alcohol we brought into Texas from Mexico we were only charged $6.00. My cost for 1.75's of Crown was $27.80 ($44.95 at Martin's, and about $55.00 so far on this trip until now). Oh happy days! We found a clean restaurant for a late lunch/early dinner. Big meal and three Margarita's each for a total of $38.00 before tip (the Margarita's were not that big - but very good). Can you believe these prices?

Recorded football and the premier of 24 for tonight. I 'll post some pictures tomorrow. Go Bears. Go Colts.

At the border

Street in front of the restaurant

Just another downtown Progresso, Mx view


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