Friday, January 19, 2007

Day 23, Friday, January 19, 2007

34 this morning in Van Horn, Tx

Thought about staying here and sitting out the storm, but the temperature started to rise a little and thought we could get an early start and continue on West. Many at the RV Park were staying put for a few days. We wanted to keep going as long as we could in spite of the winter storm warnings. Made El Paso our first destination and weather was still good to go when we got there. Las Cruces was next and still ok. Made Deming our next stop, which was where we wanted to get close to anyway, and had good weather until about 30 minutes out of town when the heavy rain we had experienced the last 36 hours turned to snow.

So --- we signed up for three nights here in Deming instead of going on to the State Park (Pancho Villa) on the Mexican border. The border is only 33 miles away and we will go there tomorrow for a great lunch and cheap Crown Royal. On to Arizona and sunshine after Sunday. We want to be securely "anchored" to watch the Colts and the Bears.

There is a lot to see here in New Mexico but this horrible weather is limiting our stay. Maybe we will swing back down here on our way home and see some places both here and in Texas we skipped in our efforts to avoid the cold.

After setting up "camp" here in Deming the snow turned back to rain and strong winds. No accumulation of snow. Looking at the weather channel we seem to have made it to the western most edge of the precipitation. The 4" of snow predicted for our area never arrived, but just north and east of here THEY GOT IT!


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