Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Day 27, Tuesday, January 23, 2007

21 in Deming this morning - folks, that's cold!

That's the bad news.

The good news is that it's sunny now and the forecast has changed from freezing rain to mostly sunny all day - no rain in sight! And all the snow has melted here. So we are going to Arizona today. More when we get there.

We cancelled the scheduled 11:00am oil change because we were ready to get out of Deming by 9:30 and just could not wait to move on down the road. Cloudless blue sky and open road! What more could one want? About 50 miles west of Deming we saw a fog bank up ahead. It looked strange to see given the fact we were diriving with a perfectly clear sky overhead. A couple more miles and we knew what was up - lots of snow on the ground chilling the warmer air coming in and creating the fog. It was a perfect dividing line. No snow on the ground, then a lot of snow on the ground. Deming was on the fringe of the storm that came through and just got a little snow, while to the west they really got dumped on! No wonder the interstate was closed most of the day yesterday. The closer to Tucson we got the less snow on the ground but we probably had 100 miles snow on the ground (roads were clear, however). In Tucson there was evidence of snow on some south-facing rooftops but nothing on the ground. The air was a chilly 50 but the sun made if feel like 80. Mountains, sun, blue sky, no humidity! We finally can start to relax. We booked two nights at Catalina State Park just north of Tucson. Miles and miles of desert hiking trails here but too late today to check them out. We walked around the campgrounds to get the lay of the land, but will do one of the long trails tomorrow. We might stay here more than the two days. Forecast for the next three days - sunshine and 60's, sunshine and 60's, sunshine and 60's! Pictures will be posted tomorrow.

Beth, thank you for your comment. We are really happy that you are following us and sharing our travels with Evelyn. Good to hear she is doing well, tell her the four of us say hello. We trust you and Bob are doing well. If you two get the urge to get out of town for a few days, jump on a plane and come out west! We'll pick you up at the airport, spend a few days in the desert camping, and back to the airport. Cost nothing but plane tickets! Love, Jim

Catalina State Park Campground

View from our campsite

View of campground from trailhead (can you see Blueboy in the picture?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim, Ellen and Girls,
Sounds & looks like the weather is better here. You're getting more snow than we are. But, you have the freedom of moving on down the road. I love checking in on you. Bob was bringing me home all of your print-outs and we pour over the map to check on your progress. You are a fixture on our dining room table. When finished with pages I save them up for a week or so and take them to Evelyn. She is doing fine. I at work now and will probably check on you myself on all days that I'm here. Love You! Sister Beth

Tue Jan 23, 10:22:00 AM GMT-5  

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