Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Day 28, Wednesday, January, 24, 2007

30 at Catalina State Park this morning.

Not a cloud in site.

We will do a long hike today and post desert pictures tonight to share with you. More later.

We did the long hike leaving at 10:30am and returning at 3:15pm. It was a little too much for the girls. They found shade frequently along the trail to rest. The whole trail system was grossly un-marked and we were never sure what trail(s) we were on. All worked out well, but most of the time we did not know where we were and did a lot of "backtracking" thinking we were probably going in the wrong direction. If we would not have had a reasonable feeling of where the campground was, an afternoon hike could have been a nightmare. We took 6 liters of water and had just 1/2 liter when we got back. A wrong turn would have put us on a trail 10 miles longer to get back around to the campground - another 5 hours of hiking with no water! Doing so would have been a real problem.

Lots of burrs and snags and other "stuff" on the dogs to brush out upon returning. The dogs layed down and slept upon returning. We just sat outside and enjoyed the comforts of home in the late afternoon sun. Too tired to cook, we drove 7 miles to a seafood restaurant back towards Tucson. Good dinner! Back early to rest after our day. We are all wore out. The girls still don't want to get off the coach and Ellen and I are sore. No energy to put pictures on the blog tonight. Will do so in the morning. We are going to stay here one more day to update the blog, enjoy an afternoon in the sun reading, wash the vehicles, get the oil change, etc. With this weather, we could stay the maximum of 14 days! After all, it took us 28 days to find it!

Beginning of the "50 Year Trail". After or experience trying to hike it, we know why it is named so - some hikers don't find their way back for 50 years.

Typical scene along the way

One of many water and shade stops for the girls

Lunch time

Tired puppies!


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