Saturday, January 27, 2007

Day 31, Saturday, January 27, 2007

40 this morning in McDowell Mountain Park.

It's up to 52 as I write at 10:00am and partly cloudy but it is forecast to reach 70 today.

It was kind of cold last night without the electric space heaters to maintain a comfortable temperature. Kept the propane heater set on 55 so it would not run continuously but by 4:00am the battery was dying so I got up and ran the truck motor awhile to recharged. We survived the night but both have slight morning headaches. Pretty slow going today so far.

Ranger just came by and told us we have a regular site waiting for us. Great! We'll probably stay here a few more days. This park has miles and miles of trails and the ranger assured us at the front gate yesterday that they are well marked.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jan. 28th, Sunday Morning
I'm at work today and going over some of the past pictures,I meant to ask you if you gave that poor homeless woman on the park bench a hot meal and a little of that "stuff" you brought back from across the boarder before you moved on. She looked real lonesome.
Dad would have been 91 today. Have a toast to dear old Dad. Love Beth

Sun Jan 28, 09:43:00 AM GMT-5  

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